Rain Rain Go Away

It is the grayest sort of day today, and I suppose I needed a reminder of sunny, vital fecund summer.  Okay, so this past summer was rather rainy and drab as well, but clearly there was enough there to grow things.  A lot of things.

It’s been such a period of change—house renovation, lay-offs, more house renovation, father with terminal cancer, still more house renovation—that sometimes I can’t tell if history is blurry because so much is happening, or because I’m drinking too much.

But I can say with authority this summer we had a GARDEN!  And in that garden, we watched life, and sturdy persistent seedlings, and an unexpected bumblebee hive. And it was affirming.

One of our very own homegrown sunflowers
One of our very own homegrown sunflowers

Just Flowers...Or they will be someday
Just Flowers...Or they will be someday

Budding buddies...Sunflowers grow in bunches, who knew?
Budding buddies...Sunflowers grow in bunches, who knew?
Random mushrooms growing on hay
Random mushrooms growing on hay

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